The Hammer

Rok narození: 1968

Obec: Frenštát pod Radhoštěm (okres: Nový Jičín)

Úroveň: Mušketýr

Další úroveň: 297 / 500

Bazar index: 11 0 0

Zatroleným hráčem: 5983 dnů

Naposledy přihlášen: včera

Hodnocené hry

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6 bere! (1994)

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Agricola (2007)

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Alhambra (2003)

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Aquaretto (2008)

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Arkham Horror (2005)

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AT-43 (2006)

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Attack! (2003)

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Ave Caesar (1989)

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Bang! (2002)

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Basket Boss (2009)

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Hodnocení hráče: xxxxxxxxxo Hry tohohle typu prostě miluju. Battlelore je dlouholetá jednička a tohle je dost podobné, ale ne tak úplně. Možná jednodušší, ne však nezajímavější. Větší význam mají taktické karty, jinné kostky, celkem logicky větší důraz na souboje na dálku, když mají všichni vojáci flinty...Moc pěkné scénář mě super.

BattleLore (2006)

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Bizzarie (2010)

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Blokus Duo (2005)

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Bombarduj! (2006)

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Bukanýři (2006)

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Cabo da Roca (2007)

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Can't Stop (1980)

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Carcassonne (2001)

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Caribbean (2004)

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Castle Keep (2005)

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Catan: Duel (2010)

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Cave Troll (2002)

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Citadela (2000)

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Clans (2002)

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Convoy, The (2012)

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Černá ovce (2008)

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Dej sem Mozek (1996)

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Dobble (2009)

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Dominion (2008)

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Dračí srdce (2010)

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Dungeonquest (1985)

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Emerald (2002)

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Esians (2008)

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Ex illis (2009)

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Feudality (2011)

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Forceball (2006)

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Formula Dé (1991)

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Fun Farm (2013)

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Goal! Game (2010)

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Gorechosen (2016)

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Halali! (1973)

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Hero Realms (2016)

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Hobit (2010)

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HysteriCoach (2006)

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Change Horses (2008)

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Chramst! (2000)

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Il Principe (2005)

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Imperial (2006)

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Jambo (2004)

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Jantaris (2007)

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Karak (2017)

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Kingdomino (2016)

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Kragmortha (2007)

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Le Havre (2008)

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Legie (2005)

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Ligretto (2000)

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Livingstone (2009)

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Loony Quest (2015)

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Lost Patrol (2000)

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Löwenherz (1997)

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Magellan (2002)

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Meuterer (2000)

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Mini Hazard (1988)

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MiniMonFa (2005)

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Monopoly Deal (2008)

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Mr. Jack (2006)

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Munchkin (2001)

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Muníci (2009)

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Musketiere (1991)

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Naval Battles (2004)

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Near and Far (2016)

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Palm Island (2018)

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Párty Alias (2009)

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Piráti (1992)

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Puerto Rico (2002)

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Pustina (2016)

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Queendomino (2017)

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Risk (1998)

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RONE (2015)

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Runewars (2009)

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Řím (2005)

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Sabotér (2004)

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San Juan (2004)

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Small World (2009)

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Hodnocení hráče: xxxxxxxxoo Vynikající logická hra pro jednoho hráče. Vyniká i velmi kvalitním materiálovým zpracováním.

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Space Alert (2008)

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Star Realms (2014)

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Šiki Miki (2003)

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Théby (2007)

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Thunderstone (2009)

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Tikal (1999)

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Time's up! (2000)

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Top Race (1996)

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TransAmerica (2001)

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Ubongo (2003)

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Vikingové (2007)

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Warriors (2004)

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Zanzibar (2007)

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Vybíráme z Bazaru

Pán prstenů - dobrodružná hra
Pán prstenů - dobrodružná hra
Akt. cena: 500 Kč
Končí za: 12 dnů
