Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game

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Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 3–6
Doporučený věk: od 10 let
Herní doba: 120 min (reálná data)
Herní svět: Sci-fi
Herní kategorie: desková hra, kooperativní, strategická, intriky
Herní mechanismy: hand managementHráči obměňují karty v ruce (můžou i přibývat) s cílem posbírat nějakou kombinaci., hlasováníHlasování, skrytý zrádceJeden či více hráčů hrají skrytě proti ostatním.
Čeština: ke stažení
Vydavatelé: Edge Entertainment
Fantasy Flight Games
Heidelberger Spieleverlag
Autoři: Corey Konieczka
Rok vydání: 2008
Dostupnost: neznámá
Sdílej: Facebook

Diskuse ke hře

Varianta pro dva a take jednoho hrace!

docela zajimava moznost pro vahavce zda vzit ci nevzit jako jsem ja, ktery ma k dispozici povetsinou jen jednoho spoluhrace a ve vice hracich se sejde zridkakdy, ale tuhle hru by moc chtel a nerad by aby lezela doma ladem a vytahla se jednou za ctvrt roku:

Two Player Game

In a two player game, each player chooses a single character.

During setup, Loyalty cards are not dealt out.

At the start of the sleeper phase, create a loyalty deck consisting of 1x “You are a Cylon” and 2x “Not a Cylon” cards. Then add a number of “Not a Cylon” cards to the Loyalty deck equal to the number of resources that are half or lower (red). Then shuffle this deck, and deal 1 Loyalty card to each player.

The Sharon “Boomer” Valerii character may not be chosen when playing this variant.

One Player Game


In a one player game, the player chooses one character to control at the start of the game. This character is known as his main character. The player may not choose Laura Roslin or Sharon “Boomer” Valerii as his main character.

He then chooses one character to “assist” him.

The Loyalty deck is set up as follows: 6x “Not a Cylon” and 1x “You are a Cylon.” After creating the deck, deal three Loyalty cards facedown to the assist character. The main character receives both the Admiral and President titles. He starts with only one nuke token (instead of two).

Assist Character

The assist character is not placed on the board. He can not draw cards, move, take actions, or become President or Admiral.

The player may use the assist character’s once per game ability as if it were on his main character’s sheet.

Negative Abilities

All character negative abilities (the bottom ability of the character sheets) are ignored.

Receiving Skills

During the Receive Skills step, the player may draw a maximum of five skill cards, one of which may come from the assist character’s skill set.

Revealing Loyalty Cards

At the end of each Activate Cylon Ships step, one of the assist player’s loyalty cards might be revealed. If the Cylon Heavy Raiders were activated this step, reveal the top card of the assist character’s loyalty deck.

If it is “Not a Cylon” card, it is ignored. If it is a “You are a Cylon” card, all text on the card is immediately resolved. The assist character is removed from the board, and the player may no longer draw from the assist character’s skill set, or use his once per game ability.

All “You are a Cylon” loyalty cards targeting a character always affect the main character. Also, the “Can Damage Galactica” loyalty card is resolved as “Draw and resolve two Galactica damage tokens.”

Whenever the assist character receives more loyalty cards, or after the player looks at any of his unrevealed loyalty cards, shuffle the assist player’s unrevealed loyalty cards.

Sleeper Phase

At the start of the sleeper phase, add a number of “Not a Cylon” cards to the Loyalty deck equal to the number of resources that are half or lower (red). Then deal four cards from this deck to the assist character (and then shuffle his cards).


While the main character is in the brig, the player still draws a Crisis card on his turn, may not move, and may play a maximum of three skill cards into each Skill check.

The assist character may not be sent to the brig.

10.3.2009 13:21:46

Tohle je přímo ke stažení na webu FFG u hry, jako pokročilá a volitelná pravidla ... ještě s pár věcmi navíc ...

10.3.2009 13:27:59

takze ta hra je defakto oficialne pouzitelna i v mene hracich nez je uvedeno, tedy od tri?

10.3.2009 13:30:37

to Ringo:
Mrkni na web FFG, jsou tam i varianty pro míň hráčů. Ale nejsem si jist zábavností třeba ve dvou. My to hráli ve třech a bylo to tak akorát. Víc lidí je určitě líp.

Každopádně oficiálně ty pravidla pro míň lidí do krabice nedávají, tudíž je hra oficiálně určená pro těch 3 - 6 hráčů.

10.3.2009 13:57:46


Varianty pro méně hráčů
Zdravím, tyhle zmiňovaná pravidla tu už nějakou chvilku visí přeložena do cz :)

10.3.2009 20:34:37

no dokonce, ja se po tom nejak nepidil,hru nemam, jen jsem si toho namatkove vsiml na jedne strance. Mas ty varianty ozkousene?

10.3.2009 20:54:27


Nemám , my hrajeme nejméně ve třech a nebo více, ale určitě to zkusim.

10.3.2009 21:11:03

tak jsem nakonec BSG vyskrtnul z wish listu. Protoze jak to tak ctu, tak interakce je v teto hre natolik dulezita, ze hra ve dvou ci dokonce ve variante pro jednoho ztrati veskere kouzlo, napeti a zabavnost. Tahle hra je fakt o pokerface a blafovani, coz v jednom ci ve dvou jde tezko.

Dalsim faktorem je to, ze u nas BSG znam jen ja a ta hra silne stavi na tematu, ktere je nutno znat, jinak budou postavy a okolnosti ve hre pro hrace jen prazdnou kulisou a stane se z toho jen poposuvani zetonu a otaceni pro neznale nic nerikajicich karet.

Poslednim faktorem je, ze me nejak zlomove neco od hry odradilo. Precetl jsem si komentare na BGG, ktere davaji prumerne hodnoceni, chtel jsem se vyhnout extremnim nadsenim i extremnimu odstrelu teto hry, tak jsem vyhledal zlaty stred a prilis mnoho tech komentaru se shodlo v jednom. Vyhru i prohru hrac samotny moc neovlivni, spise se kazdy veze na predem danych okolnostech danych kartami ktere spousteji udalosti. Pokud je tohle pravda, tak o to vice zesiluje nutnost znalosti tematu, protoze kdo ma BSG rad, tak se klidne poveze ve viru udalosti a bude si to uzivat. Kdo BSG nezna, nebude z toho mit nic.

13.3.2009 07:46:17

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