Android: Netrunner LCG

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Android: Netrunner LCG - obrázek

Hru mám Hru chci
Počet hráčů: 2–2
Doporučený věk: od 13 let
Herní doba: 60 min
Herní svět: Sci-fi
Herní kategorie: karetní hra, sběratelská
Čeština: ke stažení
Vydavatelé: Fantasy Flight Games
Autoři: Richard Garfield
Rok vydání: 2012
Sdílej: Facebook

Diskuse ke hře

Netrunner National 2015, Bratislava (19. - 20. 9. 2015)

V Bratislave bude National 2015 v NetRunneru o vikendu 19. - 20. 9.

SOBOTA 09:15 zapis...10:00 start 1. kola...SWISS (predpoklad 5 kol vc. pauzy na obed)
NEDELE to se domluvi behem soboty...a predpoklad TOP8

Pro ostatni moznost DRAFT ci jine zabavy v nedeli...

Misto jiz tradicne v prostorach herny

Vice info jiz na strance

Doufam, ze se uvidime v hojnem poctu!

27.8.2015 10:40:17 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

Budu se snažit dorazit.. :-)

27.8.2015 14:01:34

...ja doufam v co nejvetsi to stoji za to a poradne si zahrajeme! :-)

3.9.2015 10:39:46

vic info...
Zajimalo by me vic nfo, treba od kolika v sobotu (clovek by si treba napr. rad poridil listek na nejakou dopravu, zeano), atd.
Pristup lidi od, kde dodneska na webu o tom neni zminka, je dost laxni mi prijde...

3.9.2015 13:51:25 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

Hlavně jim to pak řekni do očí ;eP

3.9.2015 14:40:15

pokud budu vedet komu, proc ne, nedela me to problem...

3.9.2015 20:14:45

info uz tam je a docela slusne!

4.9.2015 23:28:35

AN:NR Nationals 2015 Bratislava offic. info:
Andriod: Netrunner Nationals (19.-20.9.)
Taking place on September 19th and 20th in Bratislava, this international tournament is the highest level of competition for Netrunner outside of World Championships, with a seat there reserved for the Slovak National Champion.

The tournament will be split into two days:

*Day One* is Swiss rounds (number determined by the participant count), with the cut to Day Two's elimination rounds determined at the end.

*Day Two* is Elimination rounds, with options for players that didn't make the cut.
* Cube Draft - Try your hand at Netrunner drafting from a premade draft pool. Cubes will be provided, all you have to do is play!
* A Boardgame library of several hundred titles and ample playing space will also be available for those interested.


Play will take place according to the latest FAQ and Tournament Rules available at the day of the tournament. Please register using the Signup Form - *the deadline for registration is 22:00 on September 17th*.

Starting fee for players who register via the form will be 20 Euro. On-site registration will also be available, with the starting fee being 25 Euro in that case. Depending on the turnout, we also may not be able to accomodate you anymore if you show up without registering via the form, so please
don't leave things to chance.

*Deck lists* are mandatory, and ONLY SUBMISSIONS VIA E-MAIL WILL BE ACCEPTED (send to When sending in your deck lists, please use the following subject line:

[Netrunner Nationals] Deck Lists

If at all possible, please send the lists from the same address you entered into the registration form, in order to help avoid any issues with missing lists. You can send the lists anytime before you check in on-site, but please consider sending it in advance if you wish to receive confirmation that we have it.


Despite the official release date of Wave Seven being listed as September 3rd, we're not sure when we'll be getting them into stock. We'll know for certain by Tuesday, September 8th - check back here then for updated information!
(In case it's not painfully obvious - No, *Data and Destiny* will not be legal either.)


Sign-in will start at 09:15 on September the 19th. The first round will start at 10:30. Estimated end of Day One is around 18:00. (Day Two schedule will be determined and agreed upon at the end of Day One, depending on the size of the cut.)

Make sure to bring official tokens (the ones from the Core Set). Alternative tokens are subject to round-by-round approval by your opponent, *dice and other non-standard methods of counting credits will not be allowed*.
Mineral water and limited refreshments will be available on-site (included in the entry fee).


iHRYsko, Trenčianska 47, 821 09 Bratislava {link to map}

(If you've been to some of our previous events, this is the store's location - there's a parking lot right next to it, and you'll be given a ticket going in, but the employees will leave before we're done playing)

5.9.2015 00:40:01

AN:NR Nationals 2015 Bratislava link
A tady je link na stranku iHryska...kde je mj. i reg. form. Protoze pisou v textu, ze pri reg. je cena 20E a na miste 25E.

Kazdopadne...kolacky budou!!! :-)

5.9.2015 00:41:10

ubytovani v Blave
Jak budete resit ubytovani?

7.9.2015 15:27:22

Kdo budete chtit dorazit...zde je reg. formular...

Je treba do 17.9.2015 22:00 se regnout. Pomuze to s pripravami a organizaci. Navic na strankach pisou, ze cena pro regnute je 20EUR, pro neregnute je 25EUR. Decklisty se maji taktez posilat emailem.

Diky...a na turnaji AHOJ!

11.9.2015 01:06:55

2015-09-10: AKTUALIZACE: legalnost datapacku
Takze na Bratislavskem Nationals jeste nebude legal: Universe of Tomorrow!!!

Tudiz posledni legal pack je: Old Hollywood

11.9.2015 01:11:29

pack + praha
sakrys, skoda :(
Planuje jet nekdo z Prahy?

11.9.2015 20:33:50

Ja planuju jet se student agency z Brna v pul 8 (uz mam listek). No a doufam, ze to stihnu (prijezd pry v 9:15), je to docela "naknop"...
Co to spani ma nekdo nejakej levnejsi napad nez ty tipy, co maji na strankach?

14.9.2015 07:31:10 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

ubytko apod.
Hodoninska vyprava bude jezdit v so i v nedeli tam i zpet...protoze je to autem kousek (coz je teda mj. i z Brna)...bohuzel tentokrat je nas presne 5 na cele auto...

14.9.2015 18:55:23 | Upraveno autorem (porovnej)

Ahojte...vim, ze se budete dopravovat ruzne...a taky muze byt ruzny zadrhel.

Kdo budete chtit na me kontakt na mobil, poslete mi zpravu. Poslu v patek cislo.

Ja budu na miste od cca 8:45. Takze bych mohl s organizatory resit prip. vznikle veci.


16.9.2015 22:40:24

vysledky zde

21.9.2015 11:05:05

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